Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What Makes Me Feel Better? Carbs

Today I wasn't feeling so hot so I decided to stay home. After sleeping for most of the day I thought I would take a stab at a French Bread recipe I found on Pinterest. I don't know what it is about bread but I love it and all its different forms.

Hubs and I will be enjoying it as garlic bread to go with spaghetti...if we can stop eating it plain.

I have pictures of my bread making journey. You'll see with the finished product I have two loaves, I took the one pre-oven brad picture when another loaf as in the oven. One of them also got bent funny in the pan so it looks like a weenie to me ;)

Post a comment if you want the recipe. It's super easy!


  1. Oh wow this bread looks yum, yum, yum!!!


♥ Elle 
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    1. Elle,
      It was delicious. I found the recipe on Pinterest and it was very easy. Thanks for your comment!

  2. Lindsey--I love your blog--food and fashion and the inevitable conflict! Add some wine and it's the perfect "hat trick" of a blog for me!!! And we must discuss the hot yoga--I have a friend urging me to go but I am so intimidated... are you liking it? really? truly? You should blog about your first time -- it had to be a bit scary--or maybe you are just so fearless--that wouldn't surprise me :) You have a really nice writing voice -- it's a fun blog to read... XO Linda

    1. I am glad you like it! I am more than willing to share about my new obsession with hot yoga. It sucked at first because of the heat but now I love it. It's a great de-stresser.

  3. OK- I am almost ready to try the hot yoga--I need to de-stress--how often do you go?

    I'll let you know when I try it--you can take $9 class here without any long term commitment--I can spare $9. But everyone tells me to be prepared not to like it, but stick with it and then I'll really like it--we'll see :)

    1. Tips for surviving: drink lots of water before hand and make sure you bring water in with you. I drink about 80 oz. of water during the day before an evening class. It may seem like a lot but buy a water bottle and it doesn't seem like that much.
      Make sure you have a towel to lay over your mat and you might want a tiny towel for your face.
      Wear tight work out clothing, flowy stuff makes me hotter an gets in the way.
      When in doubt, just lay down. I spent my first class on my back for 85% of the time. They don't want you to leave the room so lay down and relax.

      Hope that helps
