Monday, January 18, 2016

Football is Done...Now I Have to Start Eating Healthy Again

I don't make New Years Resolutions. It's for the same reason I choose to write about New Years Resolutions 2 1/2  weeks after the new year has begun, just call me a rebel that way. No, I choose to keep drinking and eating the same crap that everyone has given up and then I'll start my diet once football ends, read: Once the Seahawks win the Super Bowl  Lose to Carolina and that damn Cam Newton. Sorry, I am still a little raw as you can see.

People who know me well enough know that I take my football very seriously and along with that, I take my football snacks equally as seriously...DUH. So I find it hard when I am roaming on Pinterest, looking for healthy recipes for when I start another health challenge (yes, another one..I'm going to finish this time, I promise) to not notice the "Healthy Snacks for tailgating" or "Foods to Bring to That Football Party That Won't Make You Feel Guilty." For those types of pins I have two words:


Well, actually that was one letter and a word but since I don't know the average age of the reader of this blog I wanted to make it suitable for tender eyes...whatever the hell that means. I love how as I type that I could probably count on one hand the people who read this blog who are also related to me...nothing like obligated family support to make you feel accomplished...HI MOM!

Anyway where was I? Oh yes, SNACKS! One does not bring healthy snacks to tailgating or a football themed shindig! No, you provide/indulge on the following in no particular order:

Chili Cheese Fries
Sour Cream Dip with some form of dipping apparatus (Fingers even acceptable depending on your level of drunkenness)
Any type of chip stemming from the "itos" family

True to form, what did I choose to make on Sunday? My go to Southwest Salad and The Hubs' Aunt's Artichoke Dip. Friends who came also brought chips + dip and since it was a 10 a.m. game our time, we of course had to have Mimosas and doughnuts. All of that screams health right?!

Not only am I a stress eater when it comes to sports but I am also a stress cooker. While the Seahawks were getting trounced 31-0 in the 1st half I was aggressively chopping ingredients for salad and mixing dip with vengeance. Of course, none of that energy gave my team the mojo they needed, just added a lot of calories into my body and made me ready for a nap along with my beer blankie at 2:30. You can imagine this morning how well my outfit was fitting after my calorie overload yesterday. If you're having a difficult picturing it, here you go:

Sans shade of violet, I pretty much felt like I was about to pop from food intake. Someone on the bus this morning even tried to offer me their seat because they thought I was pregnant. "No mam, not pregnant, just...overly stuffed, like a turkey." Then I thought, CRAP! No one ever offers their seat, I should have totally have said yes! But then I would have felt like a bitch for taking this nice lady's seat when I am perfectly capable of standing and NOT PREGNANT, I just look like I am carrying a 10 pound baby burrito.

So, expecting to not start my challenge until February 8th, I will be starting it on January 25th. No sense in prolonging it, plus the pants I am wearing a a little tight and by little...I mean a lot. I have 6 more days to enjoy coffee, alcohol, salt, and cheese. So what am I doing tonight? Having a grilled cheese and a beer...

Now back to Pinterest for more healthy recipes, hopefully ones not entirely made up of Kale.