I must say I had a breakthrough weekend! The Hubs, Mother-in-Law, and myself went to Red Robin for lunch on Saturday and I did not have a meltdown. A great victory I must say, especially since my dear husband proceeded to eat a bacon cheeseburger next to me...really...the man should understand he's lucky to be alive right now. I had a chicken breast and a salad dressed in lime juice from a lime that unfortunately looked like it had seen better days before making it to my plate. Has anyone noticed that? All limes are super, duper expensive AND crappy. I dressed my taco salad with one tonight and I was lucky to get so much as a whisper of juice. For those of you wondering why you've never heard of 'whisper' as a unit of measurement, I made it up.
You're welcome
But seriously though, how am I supposed to enjoy a lime in my rum and Coke if the lime is non-existent. Correct answer: I don't enjoy rum and Coke's because I am not drinking right now, that solves that problem.
Speaking of something black on the outside, but squishy on the inside with a hint of green, (and no I am not referring to my soul) something I have become obsessed with lately is the Avocado Smoothie. That probably wasn't a very good segway since limes aren't black on the outside and that's what we were talking about but oh well, this is my blog and I can do what I want. Unless my 10th grade English teacher is reading this, for we are Facebook friends, and she might message me to correct my segway and then perhaps make me write an essay for her to show her I've leanred. Until that time comes though, I will take my chances.
Avocados, that's what I was talking about! Yes, I am obsessed with avocados lately. It's the one thing that makes me miss not living in CA, the ability to walk into the grocery store and get a ripe avocado and eat it for lunch or dinner. No, not here in the the Great North Left, you have to buy them green still and let them ripen in a bag and then take them out of the ripening bag at the perfect moment otherwise, they get too soft and yucky, leaving you with something you just spent $2.99 waiting to consume that is now in the garbage and you're shit outta luck. Life sucks sometimes. I would like to add also that avocados aren't the only thing I miss about not living in CA...some of my family will be mad I said that. No, I REALLY miss In 'N Out Burger. THAT, my friends, is what I really miss.
My fashonista friend told me she gets her avocados from Costco so I decided to try it out. They were WAY cheaper than if I would have bought 5 at the grocery store so naturally, how could I resist? I didn't want to LOSE money buy not buying them. I got lucky because not all of them ripened in the bag at the same time so I was able to enjoy them all week in my various versions of avocado smoothies! Something you would pay $8 for at Evolution fresh (what a crime) I was able to make in my own kitchen for so much less. I have posted smoothie from the past week in the blog, go check it out! Aside from smoothies, I have been enjoying avocados with breakfasts:
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Like my lemon water? I have to make water fancy |
This was my Saturday morning omelet that had spinach, yellow bell pepper, green onion, and then topped it with a little Cholula, life's great condiment. I actually was able to make my eggs into an actual omelet shape this time and not a glob. My yummy eggs were accompanied by some black beans and of course, my nice green friend the avocado.
Did you notice how I have my lemon water in a nice glass and a straw? Normally my Saturday morning breakfast would be accompanied by a yummy iced coffee or a latte but lately, lemon water is where its at. I have to make it look special to get myself to drink it with a nice meal. Poor lemon water, I don't need to beat down on you but you're not as yummy as coffee, even though you make me have to go to the bathroom twice as much. Sorry, there I go again with the potty commentary...I really should learn my audience better.
My favorite color is green and I think the picture I took tonight (right) as I was assembling another turkey taco bowl shows why! I love how not all of the inside of the avocado is the same color. Only in nature can you find something so pretty looking. I added the lime in there too for artistic affect, however, that lime was awful and it should be ashamed it is even in the same picture as the buttery goodness next to it. #avocadoshame (is that even a thing).
Ok I have officially gone off the deep end. I can hear some of you out there saying, "Oh honey, you're already there." Har har har.
I think I now have the upper hand on this challenge and I am kicking its ass. I no longer care that I don't eat cheese, or that I need to measure everything out to make sure I don't overdo it. It's worth it to me and I have turned a new leaf. Besides, I need to be able to strut out this summer in clothing that doesn't look like it's a trash bag hiding all the garbage. Unless I saw someone like DVF wearing a trash bag at one of her shows, then I would think it was instantly cool and kick myself for not doing anything about it sooner...duh, I totally came up with this first.